wtf Archives - Juiceboxforyou

What the Fuck Wednesday: The JZX100 Taxi

Everyone knows just how boring motorways can be when your trying to get from A to B, its the same thing over and over with no real entertainment. This JZX100 taxi yeah that’s right, a Toyota Chaser JZX100 was cruising just up ahead but something looked a small bit out of place so we decided to catch up and really couldn’t believe what we were seeing!


What the Fuck Wednesday: Pimpin Rings Lad

Pimpin rings in an Cobra, Living the good life!

What the Fuck Wednesday: 200 M.P.H.

Usually we wouldn’t go ahead and do some sort of a movie review on this website, Wednesday Is usually dedicated to highlighting some of Ireland finer car’s or something to that effect, but this week we just had to talk about 200 MPH the movie. Now I’m sure many of you are like what the fuck? Or maybe your not, either way we have to talk about this film. When fast five came out, everyone was all talk for Vin diesel and The Rock fucking shit up. But holy shit are you in for a treat with this film 200mph movie. You have to read on for more goodness….


What the Fuck Wednesday: Twingformer

Looks like we have a sneak preview of the new star of transformers 9.


What the Fuck Wednesday: MR2 to MRPoo

MR2 aye? Yes this is the car from gone in sixty second’s in many of the action scenes, no shit.


What the Fuck Wendesday

Better late then never for a what the fuckĀ  Thursday Wednesday. Things have been getting busy in the real world so updates have been alot slower on the site in the last week and probably continue for a few weeks to come. Forget about that and just take a second look at that picture above and I’m sure you will notice whats unusual.


What the Fuck Wednesday: Tuning Mania corsa

Following on from last weeks video which im sure many of you have watched to brush up on whats hot in the “tuning scene”, we’ve managed to track down one of the creations from the talented stylists. This Dodge viper (opel corsa) has all the styling features you could ever look for on a “hot hatch” .


What the Fuck Wednesday: “Tuningmania”

“Radical machines with aggressive appearances”

What the Fuck Wednesday: Mini Phat

Looks kind of cool from the front right? Like old meets new with the whole arch thing?….


What the Fuck Wednesday: Roush Trainer

Usually when a car company tries to branch out and build something else for the market, they usually shouldn’t go this way, because Roush builds parts for Ford mustangs Id imagine they thought they could do something amazing for the actual horses this time around.

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What the Fuck Wednesday: Vancake

Yes this is not photoshop, what your looking at is the lowest camper van in the world!


What the Fuck Wednesday: Wheely shy Z stream

I’m sure many of you have seen this beast on the internet from time to time, we felt it was time to get it onto the site to join the ranks.


What the Fuck Wednesday: Ferrarsx

There is always mixed reactions about this car.


What the Fuck Wednesday: In the shadows

Whats this lurking in that shadows?


What the Fuck Wednesday: Steamy?!?

This counts right? Hahahaha, steam roller drifting and some dodgy male action…. Good old Japanese animation. Initial D on acid and a crate of redbull maybe? Fuck knows…..