ireland Archives - Page 8 of 8 - Juiceboxforyou

Mondello St Paddys Day 2010

Its shit even in the title when i wrote 2010 it makes it sound so serious, i tried to write 10 but that just looks stupid and 010 doesn’t look so good either. Ah well. This year wt up to Mondello again for another track day. A change from some of the not so exciting parades around the country. Maybe it was just me but there was less cars there compared to last year. I guess this whole recession shit has really had a toll or maybe it was just paddys day and more people wanted to drink this year. I had a camera and also a video camera with me so i started filming the day and made an oul video from it.

Haha, Duggie and his magical trueno and the magical boring new bypass from Dublin to ford and Dayos magical photography skills from the back.

An r32 surounded by Imprezas.

Some clean egs.

A Lurking jzx90 maybe?

This k20 powered Elise was pretty nifty around the track

Dan murdering 200sxs and civics in his stock 1400 corolla haha, Dan works at Mondello and would give you a run for your money in this car. Thanks for bringing us up to the tower again it was cool.

Dave did the trip also in his Hachi. Its looking good as always.

This mini was just fucking epic to be honest, cruising around the track at 30-40 with rx7s flying past and evos. It was so good.

Mountains in the background with snow makes this almost look not like Ireland haha.

This ae92 was looking good. Looked very jap and was loud as fuck. There was a little bit of batteling between the Daves ae86 and this 92 that we got to see from the tower balcony area, it was a good time to watch that. There is small bits in the video below.

Nice looking caged ferio

This rx-7 was flat out all day.

Battle of the civic generations?? haha

We then used this key to get this picture below.

Just having a joke… Check the video now so you can feel like you were there also with this space age technology called youtube.

Garage Life: Dunnes has new coilovers.

Two brothers sir haha… no

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Summer 09 random pic

Clodagh’s Dc2 looking clean. Loved the odd wheel combo and how low it is in this country.

Meets: Honda meet 09

I found these on my old pc thought they were gone. These i think were supposed to go in MIJ but never happened and i had stored them away. Here they are well the best ones. I was surprised to see that there was so many decent cars at that meet. Really, people had stepped it up and it seems the scene of buddy club and wings west body kitted smooth mobiles like these warriors with the delicious wolfrace katanas and the colour coded interior with them lovely f.u.k badges is becoming more of a rarity day by day.


Japfest 09

The rain was pretty fucking heavy on the day which was a shame. The only real thing i can remember from it was magoo trying out for the photographers and posing pretty smooth. haha

Good shit.

Definitely a better job hahaha

Yeah its new.

Hey. The sites up. its simple and stuff and kind of blank for now. I’m just going to start chucking stuff up each day so be sure to check back.
Ive got some pics up on my computer from the last year that i am going to stick here of track days events etc.
Here’s a few from a track day in Mondello in 09

Track ef

Nice r8 that was racing on the track day!

Lining up to go out

Dc5 chasing an ek

Sun setting on an ek chasing an impreza.

Kilkenny ae86irl meet 09

Scruby scrub scrub

Shiny shiny car

This was featured in option.

4 minutes in team t50. Good stuff

This dx looks nice

Check this beast in better quality. hopefully they dont enhance the plates.