Abit old I know.. but I didn’t get a chance to put the pics up anywhere or some of the video. I don’t have much because most of the pictures got deleted somehow. Thanks fuck some of the more decent ones didn’t.
This is the dodgiest quarter-mile ever. The inside of a horse racing track. Here are some times filmed on the day. Just a few before I got bored.
This not being out weather at all looked like something from spain. A change from japfest.
Monster is just too much for bees.
Jackie’s eg6 slash dc two. Which is currently being turned into something else stay tuned for updates on that….
Mad racing stall with Toms old s14. Everything just looks better with some sun.
This was my fave of the whole day because its just cool as fuck.
This is turning into such a nice car. This is how it should be done.
This ef8 is nothing short of amazing. What a serious car.
This clip from hot version shows the car in Japan>