Alot of you may have seen jackies eg6sir/dc2 front conversion, and how well done it was compared to many. He has decided to take it a step further which by all means is a good thing. Im going to try and get as many updates or pics of this if i can as it goes on. Getting pictures from people is hard haha. Heres what i got so far and its looking tasty.
Theres a lot of goodness here. Not big on the first car in the rear shot, probably because those style of wheel are raped here but none the less some cool pics from the land of this.
Looks like caterpillars love the fuck out of this ef in the netherlands. Theyve attacked it and decided to make a nest out of it. It happens once a year and the local council dont want anything to do with it haha. Looks fucked up.
I found these on my old pc thought they were gone. These i think were supposed to go in MIJ but never happened and i had stored them away. Here they are well the best ones. I was surprised to see that there was so many decent cars at that meet. Really, people had stepped it up and it seems the scene of buddy club and wings west body kitted smooth mobiles like these warriors with the delicious wolfrace katanas and the colour coded interior with them lovely f.u.k badges is becoming more of a rarity day by day.
“The technical wheel” wow that sounds really fancy cant wait for them to come out. Nah really though what a cool little poster. They definitely don’t make shit like they used to or maybe its just me, but this new cr-z just doesent have the look of the ef8 crx. Dont get me wrong it might eventually grow on everyone but cars for sure are definitely becoming more and more shitty and futuristic looking.
Mugen have unveiled there new mugen line for the cr-z which looks good i guess and spoon seem to have the car on their catalogue on there japan site ready for stuff but compared to the crx this looks like a Citroen c4 van at the rear. It just doesn’t have that same raw look that other Hondas have had over the years. I know some day everyone will have to drive little battery cars and stuff but cant they still make them look some way aggressive or less bubbly and less like every other car. I cant imagine someone ripping one of these apart and building it into a race car at the minute. Listening to the roar of a b18 or whatever engine this is going to get around a track in a a stripped out shell. Maybe im full of shit and id say im wrong but at the end of the day its new and the old has already been proven. This car to some people will look amazing and i wasnt around to think about the crx when that came out i bet people said the same thing. I guess id just take the ss works crx over any crz any day haha and we will just have to wait and see how the cr-z goes.
Some nice cars out being cars at 3am. Cant get enough of the k20 powered eg6 with the spoon calipers. Check back for more pics of the eg6 soon and some more.
I don’t really like the new fn2 but spoons version is actually growing on me, its clean and subtle and just looks alot nicer then the standard euro version, if Tatsuru Ichisima has given his two cents at making it decent and has driven the shit out of it i guess it has to be good.
Abit old I know.. but I didn’t get a chance to put the pics up anywhere or some of the video. I don’t have much because most of the pictures got deleted somehow. Thanks fuck some of the more decent ones didn’t.
This is the dodgiest quarter-mile ever. The inside of a horse racing track. Here are some times filmed on the day. Just a few before I got bored.
This not being out weather at all looked like something from spain. A change from japfest.
Monster is just too much for bees.
Jackie’s eg6 slash dc two. Which is currently being turned into something else stay tuned for updates on that….
Mad racing stall with Toms old s14. Everything just looks better with some sun.
This was my fave of the whole day because its just cool as fuck.
This is turning into such a nice car. This is how it should be done.
This ef8 is nothing short of amazing. What a serious car.
This clip from hot version shows the car in Japan>