We are back at it in our shed with the Trueno progress and updates on where to go next, with a few surprised along the way.
We are back at it in our shed with the Trueno progress and updates on where to go next, with a few surprised along the way.
The AE86 shell is finally back on the ground, rolling on all four wheels, a big step forward in this build. It’s finally starting to feel like a car again.
A photo flashback to the night we fitted the bus in the shed. This night was such a funny moment. We had no idea if it would fit through the door or even slot into Reubens space in the shed.
When we were backing the bus in, we thought it would be a perfect time to sort the broken front light on the shed, so Barry (Other Barry) climbed up to replace the bulb.
We’ve been busy here the last few weeks trying to get back into a routine with the Normal Juicebox content. I’ve got behind the scenes photos to match every Vlog going forward. Here is our coverage from the BBQ. I always feel the need to add as many pictures to these articles as possible, as we hand select people we know that we have made friends with over the years to call down for the day and enjoy our passion for this stuff with like-minded individuals.
I won’t add much more to these photos, as the pictures speak for themselves, its always nice to be able to throw an event like this, and looking back at these 2019 photos, it makes us both sad but hopeful that we can do another event like this in the future. In 2019 we had no idea what was coming or how our lives would change the market and car scene. I guess it’s best not to take anything for granted and enjoy what we have while we have it.
Here’s a selection of some of Irelands best Japanese cars and more. I hope you enjoy the pics, kindly shot by my brother Stephen.
So, where to start with Okayama’s annual AE86 fest? The first thing that pops into my head is the sound, quickly followed by a rush of excitement walking up to the paddocks and hearing those cars screaming down the straight.
Your brain is in overload. Add the fact this day had already topped by Rob, allowing me to drive his 86 to the event; I was at capacity for trying to enjoy this experience; the memory bank was full. Looking back, most of it was a blur. It’s only through this imagery and the video that I’m getting to relive this stuff! Thank fuck for these photos.
This car has always been a bit of a mystery; I had seen it a couple of times at various 86 days over the years or at a minimal number of car shows but never had the chance to have a proper look around it. It rarely sees the road these days.
Ireland has a very diverse car culture; in this episode, we head to two shows back to back featuring Escort Cosworths, MK2 escorts, Golf GTI’s and much more. These two shows give a glimpse into the incredible stuff dotted around the Emerald Isle.
You’ve more than likely seen the recent vlog episode about Sean and Barry, two brothers with an undeniable love for old Japanese cars, preferably old Toyotas. I’ve known the lads a very long time, and I’ve always admired Sean persistence with his builds.
We invite some of Ireland finest JDM and more to the annual Juicebox BBQ. We also invite a few friends over from the UK. Ireland has some of the best Japanese cars on the planet, but these days they are well hidden. So, every year we invite the friends we have met over the years down to a free event to eat some burgers and remind ourselves this country still has some of the coolest cars on the planet.
Most of you have already seen the Vlog we did on Gatebil 2018. When this site used to be all about articles and photo, I had much more time for writing. I’ve been shooting pictures for many years, and I’m not necessarily great at it, its just something I enjoy doing along with capturing whatever I can on video. Flip and I shot a lot of photos on this trip, and I felt like they needed to be put up onto the site. At the time of writing this, the Vlog has already gone live so these photos are just a slower recap of what could be described as the craziest Car event in Europe.
“This is my happy face in the happy place” these were the exact words Reuben shouted as we shot his pride and joy on the large bend at Ruskodgen. Back in 2013, we took a trip to Gatebil to see what the fuss was all about, and it blew our minds. It was like nothing we had ever seen before.
Let’s get stuck right back into our walk around Japfest 2017. I can’t stress how good this event was, it’s a clear indication that we are out of the dark times. The car scene is booming once again.
This has been a fast year. It seems not so long ago when we covered the Annual Toyota meet in Cork last year. I really enjoyed this meet because you never know what comes out of the wood work. Even the machine we came down in is worthy of a picture, (TRD Camry which you see here). You can also see Flip using his best shammy cloth to clean the flies.