Photos Unboxed: End Of A Chapter The EK4 - Juiceboxforyou

Photos Unboxed: End Of A Chapter The EK4

We had some good times with this little Civic. We were always one of the first out at each event and usually the last to pack up. The car loved every second of the punishment we gave it on track with its trusty little B16A.

It was the first car I popped my Track day cheery in, and ill forever appreciate the fun we had with this thing. I’ve been in all sorts of situations in these cars over the years. It’s mad how attached you can get to an inanimate piece of steel once you share a few memories.

It’s probably my favourite FF hot hatch. Civics are a charming little machine, especially the EK chassis, and hopefully, we will have one back on the channel in the future. Here are a few photos from its last few hours at the shed, I rolled its dusty white painted body out into the setting winter sun for a few final pictures before it was loaded onto a truck, off to start the next chapter in its life.