The AE86's First Flared Arch - Juiceboxforyou

The AE86’s First Flared Arch

This was a special Saturday for the 86; Barry and I had been away from the car since September, things didn’t line up, and I was keen to get him back down to finish the arches; this was all that was left on his end before the car 86 gets shipped off for paint. We figured out a few weekends, and he promised he would make it down and try to wrap this up.

Barry does this in his spare time, which means he has to give up weekends and days off, so I’ve always admired him for doing this for me, sure I give him money for his time, but it’s very much appreciated as he could very quickly tell me to “fuck off.”

I kept out of his way for this arch. Usually, it’s easy for both of us to get distracted and get in-depth about topics that aren’t relevant, especially when we last saw each other a few months ago. As I’ve said repeatedly, I can’t wait to look back on all this progress in years to come. Enjoy this photo set from that recent video.