Insane Japanese Touge Drift Meet on Mountain Roads | Japan in a Van Ep. 11 - Juiceboxforyou

Insane Japanese Touge Drift Meet on Mountain Roads | Japan in a Van Ep. 11

The guys from CSS treat us to an insane night of proper Japanese street drifting on a mountain touge. We hit the jackpot on this one. We also take a trip through the Fukushima disaster area and call into our friends at N-style custom.

  • T. J. says:

    Just want to say you guys have been able to capture in a single trip more than what any other channel can. It’s just amazing how just 1 trip can convey so much time and energy about a particular place,people and hobby. Especially when you had sooooooo much to document and experience yourself simultaneously then it doesn’t get watered down when you have to come back home and package it all for everyone to witness because all of it was just that epic.


    It’s rare to feel this emotional about any content these days, but you guys have done it. We wish the future lends more opportunities as these to you guys.


  • Neil Sheehan says:

    I really appreciate that T.J. cheers for the kind words man. Absolutely the trip of a lifetime!