2011 - Page 12 of 12 - Juiceboxforyou

Random Juice: Freezing S-Chassisssssssss

Some good old freezing fog..

What the Fuck Wednesday: Relax its a classic..

One of the more luxury classic Astra’s which weren’t available over here it seems.


Random Juice: When worlds collide

A very tidy EG on some Sprint hart CPR’s aye?  But that’s not the best part, whats really interesting is the fact that the car has been themed to look American (USDM) but is in Japan. The trends have made a full circle and have filtered back across the Pacific.  Continue Reading

Random Juice: The Power of Dreams

To be continued….

Web Mining: ZX10 vs. FDRX7

Random Juice:Less is more..

This picture shows just how nice a 300 zed ex can be when its done right. Some delicious Desmond WiseSports sitting correct and a simple exterior is all you need in the looks department!

Web Mining: Rambey Racing ep91

Some of you may have certainly seen this ridiculous 850hp ep91 starlet from Denmark.


What the Fuck Wednesday: Steamy?!?

This counts right? Hahahaha, steam roller drifting and some dodgy male action…. Good old Japanese animation. Initial D on acid and a crate of redbull maybe? Fuck knows…..

Random Juice: This ones for the kids…

Not really for the kids I guess, but this rear end is amazing! Actually the rest of the car is just as good…. More>>>

Web mining: You cant stop time…

But that doesn’t matter. These are some of the cars at the Motorfix garage, Christopher from Beeoneoneoh took some awesome pictures when he went to  Motorfix Garage. More>>>

Feature: Few and Far Between


Freddie’s Golf is definitely a rare breed around the south of Ireland. While the MK5 Golf is in plentiful supply, its rare to find one which had been perfectly executed with such clean style. Its true that in Ireland, the Euro scene is nowhere near as big as the Japanese scene. I’m going to go ahead and say that for two reasons: Number one, because it may just be true. Its hard to find a Golf or another Euro car for that matter that has been done to this kind of standard. Hopefully Reason two is because I want people who may have something along the lines of this golf to read this and get angry and contact the site for a feature because its damn near impossible to find you out there! More>>>

What the Fuck Wednesday: Oh no hachi!

A very different way to kill a 2door 86.


Random Juice: Awesomeness

A pretty awesome collection heading down the straight the Autopolis Circuit in Japan.