What the Fuck Wednesday: Max Camber - Juiceboxforyou

What the Fuck Wednesday: Max Camber

Sorry for the lack of updates, things have been really busy around here. Things should be back to normal soon so stay tuned. Camber is something that both looks good when executed to the right angle and can be used to set a car up for better handling (Obviously not the pic above!). But where would you draw the line? Some people can someone say that enough is enough……

This for me would certainly be where the line was crossed. In fact this personĀ  crossed the line with camber and ran down the hill. Its insane! I know you want to see what that guy is checking out in the pic above, so we have a photo of that too.

And how does this work you may ask?

Here it is! Cut and welded for your enjoyment haha
This is truly insane! Its amazing the lengths people will go for a look! I wonder what its like to drive this around especially turning corners.

  • MartyMoore says:

    it doesnt even look good ..

  • Grimes says:

    its cambered way beyond the point of looking good!
    apparently no problems with turning radius when done right, il just imagine that the fact you’ve fuck all tyre meeting the ground would make for some interesting cornering speeds!
    all in all……….its shit
    and i love camber
    the mini van above aint too bad

  • Grimes says:

    the purple one i mean!

  • Danny says:

    Grimes there shocking man lol