micra Archives - Juiceboxforyou

Building the weirdest little Nissan

We attempt to build the wildest K11 March/Micra possible, tracking down a Tommy Kaira kit in Japan and matching the colour.

A New K11 March to destroy

Here are a few photographs of the New K11 March before it went under the knife. Some are from when I picked it up and threw some Drag wheels on it, which came on the black March, an excellent eighties wheel that showed up locally. Then, when we slammed it on the BC coilovers with the Enkei wheels, these wheels are called Enkei Formula J M18’s and were used on open-wheel race cars in the early nineties. Whats also really cool is that most of the March Cup cars also ran these in the ’90s. It’s a wheel I’ve been chasing for many years, as 13 inches is the magic formula for these cars. The Enkeis are just right. The little lip is fantastic. What’s funny is I always end up almost loving this look just as much as the finished product; these cars look great with very little, and even though we did the Tommy Kaira look, this appeals to me just as much.

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A Creative K11 Micra

A little shoot we did at 5 am with Enda’s Micra just after he made an insane journey to drop off an engine to shed in the height of winter. He hated that I was throwing him into a video because his car was a mess, but I was keen to shoot this for a long time, and I felt the dirt didn’t detract from the car’s overall presence.

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The Coolest Nissan Nugget for Late-Night Deliveries: A K11 Micra Story

The coolest K11 Micra answers the call of duty for a special late-night delivery.

Photos Unboxed: Ruining the daily driver

I figured this would be a good place to post progress with the little daily nugget. So far as in how far the car has come on the vlogs, I’m trying to keep both the vlogs and blog posts somewhat in date. Most people have already seen the car in it final silly form but ill save that for its own separate post.

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What The Fuck Wednesday: March Sti… wait what?

Yes, this is as confusing as it looks, but it does look almost look like a livesport spoiler for a k11 march! Someone must have wanted the feel of a subaru in the shell of a march! Or maybe they just couldn’t afford one.

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Web Mining: Kansai All Star drift 2010

Holy shit there is even a k11 RWDmicra and what it looks like, a RWD EGĀ  in this video, its fucking insane. Enjoy!