What the Fuck Wednesday: Fastly Furious - Juiceboxforyou

What the Fuck Wednesday: Fastly Furious

Apparently this was the original car from fast and the furious 2, but it magically disappeared on the set so they had to get an R34.

After some research on GOOGLE we found out that this car was taken just before they started filming for the movie, somehow it has resurfaced in Ireland.It had 8extra front lights which were used to blind people in the film and this model was sponsored by Nismooooo twice.

It even has the rare Nismo x Racing Hart CH rims,now that’s a find indeed. It also has another Nismo sticker on the bumper in case you didn’t see the other Nismo sticker on the wheel.

The car had also been converted to RWD as it says on the wing. What a find indeed. A real shame this was never featured in the movie. Poor Paul Walker.